updating oE allocate_string_pointer_array


include machine.e 
namespace machine 
public function allocate_string_pointer_array(object string_list, types :boolean cleanup = 0) 

Allocate a C-style null-terminated array of strings in memory

  1. string_list : sequence of strings to store in RAM.
  2. cleanup : an integer, if non-zero, then the returned pointer will be automatically freed when its reference count drops to zero, or when passed as a parameter to delete

An atom, the address of the memory block where the string pointer array was stored.

Example 1:
atom p = allocate_string_pointer_array({ "One", "Two", "Three" }) 
-- Same as C: char *p = { "One", "Two", "Three", NULL }; 
See Also:

Using Pointer Arrays, free_pointer_array

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